
Munin provides specialised OCR and NLP solutions tailored for the finance and insurance industry

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Digitalise - Learn – Predict – Automate

Munin is the platform for unlocking value from paper forms and unstructured data, supporting you to make more timely decisions, reduce cost of processing and provide better customer service. It is the gateway to a true digital transformation.

Our advanced OCR module, Munin, delivers a 95% accuracy with the help of Image Processing and other advanced methods that automate complex document-based workflows:
Automatic Indexing of the following documents into searchable formats:
  • Identification Documents
  • Invoices
  • Bordereaux
  • Remittance Documents
  • Insurance Policies
  • Policy Schedule
  • Claims Forms
  • Broker's Notes

Feeding into other Machine Learning Engines to analyse historical data to detect trends, behavioural changes and emergin risks

Prediction Support

Feed OCR-processed data with other external sources to create predictions further down the supply chain

Key Tech Features

Automatic document alignment and noise filtering. Image quality enhancement to improve the data extraction

Our module will learn from the layout and structure of document formats specific to your organisation

Our module can process and extract the data line by line but also allocate to specific fields. Extracted document data can be instantly pushed to a specified location or downloaded in various file formats (CSV, Excel, JSON and XML)

But don't take our word for it. Drop by our office in Canary Wharf and we would love to show your future

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